Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ħsibijiet (65) - Shooting the messenger

Meta nosserva dak li jintqal u jinkiteb fl-isfera pubblika, ninnota li kemm il-darba jkun hemm nuqqas ta' qbil lejn argument sempliċiment għax ikun għamlu xi ħadd li ma jagħmilx parti mit-tribu' tagħna. Hemm bosta tipi ta' tribujiet, minn dawk partiġġjani sa dawk fazzjonali, minn dawk ideoloġiċi sa dawk attivisti, u minn dawk familjari sa dawk soċjali.

Tispikka inkonistenza fl-argument meta X hija ttimbrata bħala ħażina jekk jgħidha jew jagħmilha A iżda hija aċċettabbli jew saħansitra tajba jekk jgħida jew jagħmila B. 

Li jkollna affiljazzjonijiet familjarji, attivisti, fazzjonali, ideoloġiċi, politiċi jew oħrajn hi parti mir-realta' soċjali. U li jkollna nuqqas ta' qbil jew qbil wara li nevalwaw hi sinjal ta' moħħ li jagħrbel u  jirrifletti. 

Għalhekk tajjeb li qabel ma ninfexxu nobogħdu, ngħajru jew ninjoraw lil min ġej minn xi tribu oħra, nippruvaw nifmhu x'inhu jgħid.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Ħsibijiet (64) Baġit f'pandemija

Baġit f'nofs pandemija m'għandux jiġi interpretat b'diskorsi minn epoki tal-passat, qishom minn kapitli li qed jiddeskrivu kuntesti oħra. Il-bidliet soċjali tal-llum, kemm fuq livell komprensiv kif ukoll fil-perspettivi u l-aspirazzjonijiet tan-nies ma jistgħux jiġu injorati meta nitkellmu dwar politika ibbażata fuq l-evidenza.

Hekk kif qed nesperjenzaw il-Covid fatigue u inċertezzi globali, tajjeb li meta niddeliberaw naraw kif nistgħu nissalvagwardjaw u nsaħħu dak li qed jaħdem, li ma niggranfawx ma dak li mhux sostenibbli, li nkunu flessibli u li nagħmlu l-almu tagħna sabiex ħadd ma jibqa lura.

Fuq kollox importanti li nkunu reżiljenti u mgħamra għal kuntest globali iktar stabbli: Kuntest li la nafu meta ġej, u l-anqas jekk qatt hux ser jiġi.

Dan mhux żmien ta' pika partiġġjana iżda ta' kif ngħixu l-isfidi li għandna quddiemna, kemm jista' jkun b'sens ta' responsabilita' soċjali.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Ħsibijiet (63) 204

Illum rajt nies bil-maskra u oħrajn le, min jagħmel is-social distancing u min qisu xejn m'hu xejn, min ifettaq u min jikkoopera. M'hemmx soluzzjonijiet faċli: Jinħtieġu deċiżjonijiet sodi, infurzar u sens ta' responsabbiltà minn kull waħda u wieħed minna. Ħidma flimkien, mhux pika u tgħajjir f'mument kruċjali għas-socjeta' tagħna. F'kuntest ta' Covid fatigue, l-inqas li għandha bżonn hi li jkun hemm min jipprova jiskurja gowls politiċi jew min jipprova jrewwaħ mibgħeda, xettiċiżmu, surrealiżmu, alabiebiżmu jew sensazzjonaliżmu. 

Ejjew inkunu ikbar minn dan kollu. Pajjiż qabel partit. 🇲🇹

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Feedback to Public Consultation - Environmental Impact Assessment (Amendment) Regulations, 2020

I have submitted the following to the 
Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning

Deadline - 16 October 2020

Re: Public Consultation - Environmental Impact Assessment (Amendment) Regulations, 2020

With reference to the above, I am hereby proposing that Environmental Impact Assessments comprise Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in accordance with international standards for example those set by the International Association for Impact Assessment, which is accessible from this link:

May I emphasize that a Social Impact Assessment is a comprehensive process, and not just a one-off survey.

In this regard, please refer to my correspondence dated 31 May 2019 to the PA regarding SIAs. To date, I have not been informed of any policy update in this regard.

A copy of my correspondence can be obtained from this link: 

Dr Michael Briguglio

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Birgu - Sally Port project requires social analysis

I have sent the following feedback to the Planning Authority. You may send your own representation - details below.

Attn Planning Authority


Re: PA 04757/19 - rehabilitation and embellishment of Sally Port Promenade, Birgu

I am hereby submitting the following objection re PA 04757/19 - rehabilitation and embellishment of Sally Port Promenade, Birgu

Whilst recognizing that the area in question requires rehabilitation, the proposed development should be in line with relevant policies (e.g.  'Kottonera Strategy' (issued by the Planning Authority, the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects and the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government) and recognize that is a public space which is enjoyed by the community. 

I therefore appeal to the PA to carry out a social impact assessment before considering this application, in accordance with international standards for example those set by the International Association for Impact Assessment, which is accessible from this link:


Dr Michael Briguglio

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Qui-si-sana: Objection against further noise pollution and commercialisation

Re: 1926 Beach Club, ix-Xatt ta' Qui-Si-Sana, Sliema - Addition of roof garden and seating area over approved structure

I have submitted the following objection to the Planning Authority. Feel free to do the same. You can send an email to address below or object from this link:


Re: PA/05780/20 

 Attn Planning Authority, 

With reference to the above application, I am hereby objecting. 

The 1926 complex is a continuous source of unacceptable noise pollution for residents, including residents who live less than 100 meters away. Such development will increase such pollution apart from further commercialising the coast. 

I appeal to the PA to carry out a social impact assessment before considering this application, in accordance with international standards for example those set by the International Association for Impact Assessment, which is accessible from this link:

In this regard, please refer to my correspondence about SIAs dated 31 May 2019 to the PA in link below. To date, I have not been informed of any policy update in this regard. 

Dr Michael Briguglio