Monday, February 28, 2022

#Ħsibijiet (89): Awtogowl

Id-diskors li jżeblaħ u li jqis lil persuni bħala 'inferjuri' minħabba l-għażliet politiċi tagħhom, m'huwiex biss xhieda tat-tribaliżmu li taħkem lil Malta, iżda huwa elitist u intitolat, bħall li kieku hemm xi persuni b'dritt divin fuq l-oħrajn. Awto-gowl kbir.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

#Ħsibijiet (88) Covid, Freedom, Votes

The political discourse of 'freedom' with respect to Covid19 undermines the common good to scrape votes. What this promotes is the survival of the fittest. With freedom comes responsibility, and most of Malta has so far practiced this.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

#Ħsibijiet (87) Politiċi anzjani

L-atitudni li politiċi u kandidati anzjani huma inqas validi hi waħda diskriminatorja. Il-kwistjoni hi jekk dawn humiex kompetenti u ta' min jafdhom fil-poter, lil hinn mill-età etc... Il-votant għandu jagħżel dan, u mhux xi klikka wara l-kwinti.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

New book: Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe

'Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe', co-edited by Maria Brown and Michael Briguglio from the University of Malta has been published by international academic publishers Routledge and is available for pre-order.

This volume is the first of its kind to discuss social welfare issues using case studies from a broad range of Southern European countries, both large and small, a decade after the financial crisis. It identifies similarities and differences in the ways in which Southern European countries engage with specific welfare issues and examines whether Southern European welfare is distinct from that of the rest of the continent. The book also engages with the impact of COVID-19 on the social welfare issues under investigation. The volume is divided into four sections, each examining in detail issues including employment, education, health, sexuality, globalization, social movements and migration.

With its contributions from experts in the field, the volume is recommended for academics, researchers and students of sociology, social policy, economics, education, politics and social movements.

Discount code: 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Op-ed: The Case of Victor Vella - Michael Briguglio

My op-ed in today's Malta Independent discusses the suspension of Victor Vella from his role of editor in the General Workers Union's newspapers.


Image: The Malta Independent

Thursday, February 03, 2022