Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Michael Briguglio co-edits international book “The Greening of the Mediterranean”

Dr Michael Briguglio is co-editor of “The Greening of the Mediterranean: Crisis and Recovery” published by the Green Economics Institute (UK).

The book is co-edited with Michelle S. Gale de Oliveira, Miriam Kennet, Enrico Tezza, Sofia Amaral and Doaa Salman.

Apart from introducing the book, Michael Briguglio also authors chapters about Climate Change and Environmental NGOs and about Social Policies in Southern Europe. Other authors in the book include Rheinhard Buettikofer; Alain Lipietz; Wilhelm Schmid; Georgis Diakoulakis and Birgit Weiss. Marie Briguglio and Stefano Moncada – also from the University of Malta – also author a chapter on Environmental Challenges in
Malta. The book covers areas related to green economics, employment, social policy, agriculture and politics in the Mediterranean.

Dr Michael Briguglio lectures in Sociology at the University of Malta. His research interests are politics, social movements, environment, culture and social policy.

Gale de Oliveira, M.S., Kennet, M., Amaral, S. Tezza, E., Briguglio, M. & Salman, D. (2014): The Greening of the Mediterranean (Reading: The Green Economics Institute Publishing House)

Book flier: