Wednesday, October 02, 2024

One to One - Season 2 - Updated Weekly

One To One, hosted by Prof Michael Briguglio is broadcast on Campus 103.7. It covers social, political, environmental, and cultural topics, and guests are experts in their respective fields. The programmes are being made available in on-demand format.

Topics and guests for Season 2 (October-December 2024)

1. L-ippjanar tal-lokalitajiet - X'rwol għandu l-pubbliku? Wendy Jo Mifsud

2. Il-politika għandha tiġi mgħallma fl-iskejjel? Mario Thomas Vassallo

2. X'inhi d-differenza bejn defiċit u dejn pubbliku? Charmaine Portelli

(This list is updated every week)

Topics and guests for Season 1 (July-September 2024) - Click here

#Ħsibijiet (111): Judge first, analyze later

Public Sociology (and public academia) aims to bridge various gaps between the academic world and the social contexts in which we live. I think that this is a commendable, particularly if one is promoting evidence-based policy making. On the other hand, I am wary of snackable posts, particularly on the social media, which give a verdict on an issue/event literally minutes, if not seconds, after it happened. Taking a step back to analyze, evaluate, and reflect may lend itself better to an evidence-based approach.