Sunday, August 25, 2024

#Ħsibijiet (110) Breakdown of trust

Il-kwistjoni tal-karti ta' l-identità: Apparti l-aspetti legali, amministrattivi, u politiċi, hemm aspett soċjali ukoll: Kemm nistgħu jew għandna nafdaw lill-awtoritajiet konċernati?


Tuesday, August 06, 2024

One To One now available in On Demand format

Discussion programme One To One, hosted by Prof Michael Briguglio on Campus 103.7, is now available in on-demand format 

One to One is broadcast on Campus 103.7 every Tuesday at 12:00, with repetitions on Tuesday at 21:00Friday at 14:00 and Saturday at 09:00. It covers social, political, environmental, and cultural topics, and guests are experts in their respective fields.