Thursday, January 28, 2021

Call for papers RN25 Social movements at the 15th conference of the European Sociological Association

The following call for papers refers. I am a board member of RN25.

Michael Briguglio


 Call for papers RN25 Social movements at the 15th conference of ESA



The 15th conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) will be held on August 31 to September 3 in Barcelona. The conference will most likely be a hybrid conference in which it will be possible to participate both on site and online (updates on this will come on the conference website). The Research Network on Social Movements (RN25) calls for papers providing theoretical and empirical contributions to current debates on social movements, including but not limited to: 

Ø  spatial and temporal dynamics of collective action

Ø  the interplay between movements and their political/discursive/legal context

Ø  the connections between non-violent action and political violence  

Ø  the connections between contentious and electoral politics  

Ø  the strategic use of protest tactics

Ø  dynamics within and between social movements organisations  

Ø  the role of discourse, framing and narratives in social movements

Ø  populist and radical right movements

Ø  political repression in authoritarian and non-authoritarian states

Ø  online dimensions of mobilization

Ø  the impact of collective action

Ø  urban uprisings and popular revolts

Ø  youth and minority activism.

Comparative works that connect theory and empirical analysis, as well as innovative methodological approaches are particularly encouraged. The section aims to stimulate the debate on the accumulated knowledge and evidence produced in the last years on social movements. We welcome submissions coming from different disciplinary fields. The evaluation criteria of abstracts are: quality and clarity of the research question; clarity of the theoretical argument; the description of the main methodology and data; theoretically original contribution and discussion of available knowledge; relevance and pertinence to central themes within social movement research. 


At the conference RN25 Social movements also organizes a joint session with the Environmental Sociology group:

Climate movements: Contemporary Developments and Challenges

Mitigating, or adapting to, global warming is probably the most consequential political issue of the 21st century. While the world as we know it is increasingly threatened, political action to deal with climate change has been slow and, as yet, far from sufficient. The climate movement continues to struggle and but is faced with numerous challenges, recently including the Covid-19 pandemic. This joint session welcomes research on climate mobilizations not only in Europe and the Global North, but also in the Global South. Priority is given to contributions that address broader issues of relevance to the climate movement as a whole, including conditions affecting mobilization and movement outcomes, movement strategizing as well as fundamental challenges common to climate mobilizations over the world.


To submit Abstract 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Stoic ‘21 - Michael Briguglio

My op-ed in today's The Malta Independent discusses how we can apply Stoicism in 2021.

You can read the article here:

Stoic ‘21 - The Malta Independent

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Caring society, care of the self - Michael Briguglio

Best wishes for 2021, dear reader.

'Caring society, care of the self' is my first op-ed in the Malta Independent for 2021. You can read it from the following link:

 Caring society, care of the self - The Malta Independent