Sunday, August 30, 2020

#Ħsibijiet (60) Dibattiti u Due Diligence

Fil-futur qrib, it-tesserati tal-Partit Nazzjonalista ser jikkonfermaw lil Adrian Delia jew jagħżlu lil Bernard Grech bħala Kap tal-Partit. 

F'isem it-trasparenza u d-demokrazija, nemmen li t-tesserati u l-pubbliku għandhom dritt li jkunu mgħarfa dwar id-due diligence taż-żewġ kandidati u li jaraw dibattiti bejnithom.

Nittama li din tkun elezzjoni fejn tiġi rispettata l-intelliġenza ta' min ser jivvota. Fejn ikun hemm deliberazzjoni bejn ideat, stili, proposti u persunaġġi differenti, u mhux strateġiji sensazzjonalisti u distruttivi minn wara l-kwinti. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The breakdown of Omerta'

Today's court hearings regarding the murder of #DaphneCaruanaGalizia:

Last November 23rd, I sensed a breakdown of omerta'. In my blog I wrote as follows:

"When Mizzi and Schembri were not fired during the Panama Papers scandal it was clear that they had disproportionate power within the ruling elite.
The recent turn of events indicates that implosion may be knocking at the door of the same elite. The requests for presidential pardons hints the breakdown of omerta' and the spread of distrust and panic. Government's refusal to urgently discuss matters in Parliament, as requested by the Opposition suggests that the ruling elite is trying to cover up its newly found weakness and confusion by stonewalling debate. It is trying to put on a brave face behind precarious unity. A waiting game is in place, but in the meantime cans of worms may still be opened within the judicial process. Behind the apparent unity of the power bloc, elites may be calculating the best way to save themselves.
In such instances I admire those who see the bigger picture and act accordingly, irrespective of their affiliations and orientations. There are plural possible political outcomes, but the great unifier is that the current situation is untenable"

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Politicians, finance, lobbying - Michael Briguglio

In my fortnightly op-ed in the Malta Independent I discuss the politicians' financial practices and lobbying.

You can read the article here: