Thursday, July 30, 2020

#Ħsibijiet (59) - Il-vot ta' din il-ġimgħa

Fil-kontroversja kurrenti dwar il-PN, ftit ta’ ġimgħat ilu jien u oħrajn ipproponejna li l-kwistjoni tmur għand il-Kunsill Ġenerali u għand it-tesserati. 

Dan għax hekk titlob id-demokrazija u għax ħadd m’għandu jqis il-partit bħala propjeta’ tiegħu. 

Bħalissa il-fazzjonijiet qed jagħmlu l-almu tagħhom biex jipperswadu lill-kunsilliera dwar il-vot ta’ din il-ġimgħa. 

Kollox sew, sakemm kulħadd jimxi man-normi tad-diċenza u rispett. Sfortunatament fil-politika tas-sensazzjonaliżmu u tas-soundbites, dawn iż-żewġ fatturi kemm il-darba jingħataw il-ġemb anke jekk iweġġgħu nies tad-demm u l-laħam. 

Bħala kunsillier nemmen li kulħadd għandu l-intelliġenza tiegħu biex jasal għal għażla ħielsa waqt il-vot. 

Personalment jien dejjem ippruvajt inkun fair, tajt il-kontribut li stajt, irrispettajt lill-kollegi tiegħi, qatt ma ppretendejt xejn u qatt ma kont fil-but ta’ ħadd jew membru ta’ xi tribu. U hekk ser nibqa’.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Feedback to public consultation: Wellbeing First: A Vision for Malta’s Environment, National Strategy for the Environment 2050

I have submitted the following feedback regarding this public consultation.

Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning
(Environment & Resources Authority)

Re: Public Consultation: Wellbeing First: A Vision for Malta’s Environment, National Strategy for the Environment 2050

The process to have a national strategy for Malta's environment is welcome in principle. In this regard, I would like to propose that both the articulation of the strategy as well as its implementation, employ the respective processes of Social Impact Assessments (SIA), in accordance with international standards for example those set by the International Association for Impact Assessment, which is accessible from this link:

In this regard, please refer to my correspondence dated 31 May 2019 to the PA regarding SIAs. To date, I have not been informed of any policy update in this regard.

A copy of my correspondence can be obtained from this link: 

Dr Michael Briguglio

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Are we reconciling employment with family life? Michael Briguglio

My op-ed in today's Malta Independent analyses recent data by the National Statistics Office on the reconciliation between employment and family life.

You can read the article from this link:

Friday, July 17, 2020

#Ħsibijiet (58) - Il-proposta ta' Peter Agius

Peter Agius għamel suġġeriment lill-Adrian Delia sabiex jerġa jikkonsulta lill-membri tal-PN dwar it-tmexxija tiegħu, speċjalment wara żewġ reżoluzzjonijiet mill-grupp tal-MPs u mill-Kumitat ta' l-Eżekuttiv.

Naqbel ma' din l-istqarrija. Fil-fatt il-ġimgħa l-oħra u ftit tal-ġranet ilu jien ipproponejt li fi ħdan il-PN, kull azzjoni, kemm favur u kif ukoll kontra t-tmexxija ta' Adrian Delia, għandha ssir skond l-istatut, għax ir-regoli huma l-patt li jgħaqqdu lill-membri. Ir-riżultati ta' dawn l-aħħar ġranet m'għandhomx jiġu njorati.

Għalhekk nerġa ntenni l-appell li għamilt il-ġimgħa l-oħra li l-kwistjoni tat-tmexxjia tal-PN tmur għand il-Kunsill Ġenerali u t-tesserati, skond kif tindika l-proċedura ta' l-istess statut li fuqu kien hemm qbil unanimu ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu.  

Huwa tajjeb li hemm djalogu fil-PN għax hekk jitolbu d-demokrazija, il-proċedura, u r-rispett.  Nerġa ntenni li ħadd m'hu akbar mill-partit u li jista' jkun hemm gvern alternattiv biss jekk ikun hemm unita' fid-diversita' interna u esterna.  

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Feedback to Public Consultation: Public Consultation - Social Regulatory Standards for Domestic Violence Community-Based Services and for Residential Services

With reference to the public consultation process for Social Regulatory Standards for Domestic Violence Community-Based Services and for Residential Services, I submitted the following to Government:


Attn Ministry for the Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity
(Social Care Standards Authority)

Re:  Public Consultation - Social Regulatory Standards for Domestic Violence Community-Based Services -

Re:  Public Consultation - Social Regulatory Standards for Domestic Violence Residential Services -

I am hereby recommending that your commendable consultation exercise comprises a social impact assessment process. This could produce valuable evidence for policy formation and implementation. 

Various methods, both quantitative and qualitative could be used within social impact assessments. The former refers to generalisable data especially through numbers, while the latter produce in-depth data on matters.

Research methods in SIAs may therefore include, for example, quantitative perception surveys and qualitative methods  which involve a deeper look into social realities. Besides, elite interviews may verify the advice, concerns and interpretations of persons who are experts or who have experience in the respective field under analysis.

Methods may also involve the analysis of discourse on the subject in question, for example by looking at what is being pronounced in the public sphere, whether by the public, civil society, political actors, the media and the like.

SIAs should involve the participation of different stakeholders, ideally through mixed research methods.

Analytic indicators should be provided and the entire process should be subject to peer review by independent experts in the field. 

This means that if a study is being carried out by a team of social scientists, this should be scrutinised by other independent social scientists. This could help identify shortcomings and possible improvements to the same SIA.

Social impact assessments should not be one-off exercises: To the contrary, they should be ongoing processes which engage with various stakeholders and which report back so as to ensure effective policy processes. They should also use complementary research methods so as to ensure reliable and valid data.

Recommendations and mitigation measures could therefore be in place, and these would be based on social-scientific evidence.


Dr Michael Briguglio

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ħsibijiet (57) Ir-riżultat huwa wieħed sinjifikanti li ma jistax u m'għandux jiġi injorat

Huwa tajjeb li dal-lejl sar djalogu mifthuħ fl-eżekuttiv tal-PN, għax hekk jitolbu id-demokrazija, il-proċedura u r-rispett.  Ir-riżultat huwa wieħed sinjifikanti li ma jistax u m'għandux jiġi injorat, għax inkella l-inċertezza fil-Partit Nazzjonalista u fl-Oppożizzjoni ser ikomplu jaħkmu s-sitwazzjoni, u kulħadd joħroġ tellief. 

Għalħekk nerġa ntenni l-appell li għamilt il-ġimgħa l-oħra li l-kwistjoni tat-tmexxjia tal-PN tmur għand il-Kunsill Ġenerali u possibilment għand it-tesserati, skont il-proċedura.  

Nerġa ntenni li ħadd m'hu ikbar mill-partit u li jista' jkun hemm gvern alternattiv biss jekk ikun hemm unita' fid-diversita' interna u esterna. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Feedback to Public Consultation: Mercury House Highrise

With reference to the public consultation process concerning the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Mercury House highrise proposal, I have submitted the following to ERA and the PA:

Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning
Environment & Resources Authority; Planning Authority)
Re; (i)  PA/1892/19 – To demolish the Go-Exchange building and excavate site to accommodate an entertainment arena, an extension to the existing car park and back of house facilities approved in PA 6955/17, and to construct a 9 storey (29m) residential block with retail (class 4B) facilities on the lower floors and a swimming pool at roof level. The redesign of the podium to include a 19- storey hotel (Class 3B), as an extension to the approved hotel. To restore and refurbish the underground vaults housing the Hotel Spa. To reorganise the uses in the approved main residential tower to incorporate the addition of a residential floor at level 31, an amenity floor at level 32 and receded roof structure capping the building. The resulting overall height is 121.66m above street level.
Site at, Mercury House Site and Go-Exchange Building, Triq San Gorg, Triq Sant Andrija, Triq Elija Zammit, Triq Gdida fi, Triq Sant'Andrija, San Giljan
(ii) PA/0055/17 - To demolish the Go-Exchange Building and excavate the site as part of the phase 1 works forming part of the Mercury Towers Project.
Site at, Go-Exchange Building, Triq San Gorg, San Giljan, Malta
Reference is made to above. 
I note that the EIA does not comprise a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) process. I therefore appeal for the inclusion of this, in accordance with international standards for example those set by the International Association for Impact Assessment, which is accessible from this link:

In this regard, please refer to public consultation regarding SIAs dated 17 May 2019. Link:

My correspondence dated 31 May 2019 to the PA regarding refers in link below. To date, I have not been informed of any policy update in this regard. 

Dr Michael Briguglio

Monday, July 13, 2020

Feedback to Public Consultation: Review of the Rural Policy Design Guidance (Phase 2)

With reference to the public consultation process for the review of the Rural Policy Design Guidance (Phase 2), I have submitted the following to the Government of Malta. 

(Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning)
Re: Title: Review of the Rural Policy Design Guidance (Phase 2)

With reference to above, I hereby propose that the policy process employs a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) process, which is in accordance with international standards for example those set by the International Association for Impact Assessment, which is accessible from this link:

In this regard, please refer to my correspondence dated 31 May 2019 to the PA regarding SIAs. To date, I have not been informed of any policy update in this regard.

A copy of my correspondence can be obtained from this link: 

Dr Michael Briguglio

Ħsibijiet (56)

Il-verdett tal-President ta' Malta, bħala l-gwardjan tal-kostituzzjoni, f'dak li għandu x'jaqsam mar-rwol tal-Kap ta' l-Oppożizzjoni u d-demokrazija fil-pajjiż, għandu jiġi rispettat.  Dan huwa ta' importanza nazzjonali għall-pajjiż.  

Il-proċess tad-demokrazija interna tal-PN għat-tmexxija tal-partit għandu jiġu rispettatt. Dan huwa ta' importanza għal min hu parti mill-Partit.  

Nemmen li gvern alternattiv jista' jinħoloq permezz ta' għaqda bejn il-fazzjonijiet tal-PN u koalizzjonijiet esterni fis-soċjeta' iktar wiesgħa. 

Thursday, July 09, 2020

What happened to constitutional reform? Michael Briguglio

My op-ed in today's Malta Independent queries Malta's constitutional reform process. 

Friday, July 03, 2020

Ħsibijiet (55): Il-Vitals ħa l-isptarijiet pubbliċi mingħajr due diligence, u aħna t-taxpayers inħallsu

In-Nexia BT, magħrufa għall-involviment tagħha f'numru ta' skandli taħt il-Gvern ta' Joseph Muscat, m'għamlet l-ebda due diligence fuq il-Vitals meta l-Gvern ta' Muscat ta tliet sptarijiet pubbliċi lil din il-kumpanija. Fi kliem sempliċi, l-konsulenti tal-Gvern ma vverifikawx jekk il-Vitals għandhiex il-kapaċita' u l-meżżi biex tmexxi dawn l-isptarijiet.

Vitals, li ingħata l-isptarijiet f’Malta u Għawdex kellha kapital ta’ elf ewro biss. Il-Bank of India, li kellu x’jaqsam mal-kumpanija Vitals, ma ta l-ebda garanziji. Il-Gvern Malti kellu jagħmel garanzija fuq l-isptarijiet mal-Bank of Valletta ta’ 350 miljun ewro, għax ħadd ma kellu s-saħħa finanzjarja.

Dan ħareġ fil-kawża li qed jagħmel il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Adrian Delia biex il-poplu Malti jieħu lura l-isptarijiet tiegħu, wara li l-Gvern b’daqqa ta’ pinna tahom lil Vitals u dak li ġie imwiegħed ma seħx.

Kieku mhux għall-ħidma ta' l-Oppożizzjoni Nazzjonalista fil-Parlament u fil-Qrati, il-Gvern Laburista kien jibqa' għaddej bħal gaffa fil-kwistjoni tal-bejgħ ta' sptarijiet pubbliċi lil Vitals u Steward, u l-poplu kien jibqa' mingħajr informazzjoni essenzjali. Kieku ma kienitx il-media li ukoll investigat din il-kwistjoni, il-kwistjoni kienet tisparixxi mill-aħbarijiet. 

Hawnhekk qed nitkellmu fuq assi pubbliċi fis-settur tas-saħħa, fuq wirt tal-Gvern immexxi minn Joseph Muscat. Qed nitkellmu fuq bejgħ, li minn fuq, qed inħallsu għalih mit-taxxi tagħna. Il-poplu s'issa diġa ħallas €260 miljun għal servizz li ma onorax l-obbligi tiegħu.

Il-Gvern immexxi minn Robert Abela kellu opportunita' li jħares l-interess nazzjonali u soċjali u jappoġġja l-mozzjoni parlamentari ta' l-Oppożizzjoni sabiex it-taxpayers ma jħallsux €100 miljun lil min qiegħed japproffita mill-poplu Malti korteżija ta' kuntratt li jobbliga lit-taxpayers ikopru d-djun ta' Steward. 

Iżda l-Gvern ta' Robert Abela għażel li ma jappoġġjax il-mozzjoni ta' l-Oppożizzjoni. 

Huwa veru li Konrad Mizzi tneħħa mill-grupp Parlamentari Laburista, iżda Joseph Muscat hemm għadu, u saħansitra ġie ingaġġat bħala konsulent ta' Robert Abela. Il-poplu Malti twikka bil-wirt ta' politika korrotta.

Il-Gvern għandu jħassar il-kuntratt ta' privatizazzjonijiet tat-tlett sptarijiet u li jippubblika l-informazzjoni kollha li ġiet moħbija mill-Gvern ta' Muscat, Mizzi u Schembri.

Quddiem skandlu bħal dan, jeħtieġ li l-ġid komuni jiġi qabel interessi settarji. 

Malta is not for sale. Be the change you want to see. 

Kun il-bidla li tixtieq tara. 

Tista' taqra iktar f'dan il-link: