Wednesday, May 27, 2015

[UPDATED] Zonqor ODZ - Academics call for transparency and show concern for choice of site

195 academics (named below) including over 150 academic staff at the University of Malta, including over 40 professors, along with other academic staff from the Junior College, MCAST AND GCHSS Higher Secondary have so far informally come together to issue the following joint statement.

Academics who wish to add their name are to send an email with their name and institution to

Stqarrija għall-istampa
Dwar il-proposta għal bini tal-“American University of Malta” fl-inħawi ta’ Żonqor f’Marsaskala, nuru t-tħassib tagħna dwar in-nuqqas ta’ proċess trasparenti u ta’ studji meqjusa fl-għażla kemm tal-proġett innifsu kif ukoll tas-sit propost. Inħeġġu lill-Gvern sabiex juri l-prudenza meħtieġa biex jisseddaq l-akbar ġid komuni dejjiemi, inklużpermezz ta' tisħiħ ta' edukazzjoni ta’ kwalita', u tal-ħarsien tal-art barra ż-żoni tal-iżvilupp.

Press Statement
On the proposal to build the “American University of Malta” in the vicinity of Żonqor Point in Marsaskala, we express our concern on the lack of transparency in the process and careful assessment in the selection of the project itself as well as of the proposed site. We urge the Government to exercise due prudence with a view to enhance the common good including through the strengthening of quality education and through the protection of land which lies outside development boundaries.

*University of Malta academics in support of the statement:

Rev. Prof. Emmanuel Agius, Prof. Marie Alexander, Dr Stavros Assimakopoulos, Prof. Maria Attard, Rev. Dr Stefano Attard, Rev. Dr. John Avellino, Dr. Michael Axiak, Dr. Jacqueline Azzopardi , Rev. Dr. Joseph Bajada, Dr. Ruth Baldacchino, Dr. Mario Balzan, Dr. Albert Bell, Dr Alexandra Betts, Dr. Ing John Betts, Carmel Bezzina, Dr. Anne-Marie Bezzina, Dr. Elise Billiard, Prof. Anthony Bonanno, Dr. Charles Bonello, Dr. Anna Borg, Maryann Borg Cunen, Prof. Albert Borg, Rev. Dr. Joe Borg, Dr. Vince Briffa, Prof Charles Briffa, Dr. Marie Briguglio, Dr. Michael Briguglio, Prof. Lino Briguglio, Prof Joseph Brincat, David Calleja, Dr. Anne-Marie Callus, Prof. Ivan Callus, Joseph Camilleri, Mario Camilleri, Prof. Frank Camilleri, Dr. Michelle Camilleri, Dr. Marcello Carammia, Dr. Andrew Borg Cardona, Dr Mireille M. Caruana, Dr. George Cassar, Dr. Joanne Cassar, Dr. Maria Cassar, Prof. Arnold Cassola, Prof. Deborah Chetcuti, Prof. Paul Clough, Dr. Maureen Cole, Dr. James Corby, Prof. Vicki Ann Cremona, Dr. Dr. Jean Paul De Lucca, Dr. Manwel Debono, Dr. Nadia Delicata, Joanna Depares, Andreana Dibben, Dr. Pauline Dimech, Prof. Alexiei Dingli, Rev. Dr. Joseph Ellul, Prof Ray Fabri, Prof. Mark Anthony Falzon, Dr. Ruth Falzon, Dr. Ruth Farrugia, Dr. Fabrizio Foni, Dr. Mario Frendo, Prof. Anthony J. Frendo, Prof. Joe Friggieri, Dr. Grace Galea, Dr. Marco Galea, Rev. Prof. Paul Galea, Dr. Albert Gatt, Maria Victoria Gauci, Dr. Paul Gauci, Louise Ghirlando, Prof. Robert Ghirlando, Rev. Dr. Marcello Ghirlando, Dr. Shaun Grech, Dr. Adrian Grima, Dr. Reuben Grima, Dr. Anna Khakee, Edwin Lanfranco, Prof. Josef Lauri, Prof. Mary Anne Lauri, Prof. Adrian Mamo Gellel, Prof. Claude Mangion, Dr. Marie-Louise Mangion, Dr. Gillian Martin, Prof. Peter Mayo, Prof. Joseph Micallef, Dr. Dione Mifsud, Dr. Immanuel Mifsud, Prof Manwel Mifsud, Dr. Josephine Milton, Dr. Dennis Mizzi, Prof. Luciano Mule Stagno, Prof. Joseph Muscat, Dr. Marceline Naudi, Maria Navarro, Prof Joseph Pace Asciak, Prof. Roderick Pace, Prof. Joseph Pirotta, Dr. Maria Pisani, Dr. Claudia Psaila, Dr. Roberta Sammut, Dr. Ivan Sammut, Rev. Prof. Hector Scerri, Prof. Patrick Schembri, Dr. Sandra Scicluna, Rev. Dr. Mark Sultana, Prof. Conrad Thake, Prof. Alex Torpiano, Dr. Josef Trapani, Dr. Lonneke van der Plas, Prof. Carmel Vassallo, Prof. Mario Vassallo, Dr. Nicholas Vella, Dr. Patricia Vella Briffa, Dr. Sue Vella, Olvin Vella, Dr. Alexandra Vella, Prof. Edward Warrington, Amy Camilleri Zahra, Dr. David Zammit, Prof. Martin R. Zammit, Prof. Michael Zammit, Maria Zammit, Daniella Zerafa. Dr. Joseph Axiaq, Dr. Jean Paul Baldacchino, Dr. Leonard Bezzina, Dr. Joseph P. Bonello, Dr. James Borg, Dr. Maria Brown, Dr Jean Buttigieg, Mireille Caruana, James Corby, Prof. Gordon Calleja, Rev. Dr. Charlò Camilleri, Dr. Petra Caruana Dingli, Mark Casha, Valentina Cassar, Katrin Dautel, Joanna Depares, John Ebejer, Dr. Giuliana Fenech, Davinia Galea, Perit Joseph Galea, Sarah Grech, Dr. Bernard Micallef, Prof. Joseph Micallef, Dr. Dennis Mizzi, Prof. Matthew Montebello, Dr. Martin Musumeci, Rev. Dr. Paul Pace, Rachel Radmilli, Dr. Sharon Rolé, Dr. Ivan Sammut, Dr. Vasilis Valdramidis, Antoine Vella, Prof. Georgios N. Yannakakis, Dr. Clive Zammit (University of Malta); Kevin Asciak, Clare Azzopardi, Dr. Stephen Bonanno, Natasha Cordina, Angele Deguara, Michael Grech, Liliana Maric, Vincent Mercieca, Russell Mizzi, Jacqueline Rotin, Mauro Scerri, Dr. Clare Udras, Dr. Mary Grace Vella, Anna Zammit, Christina Zarb, Noel Agius, Robert Atkins, Renato Camilleri, David Farrugia (Junior College); Dr. Michael Asciak, Juan José Bonello, Dr. Eman Calleja, Ralph Cassar, Stephen Farrugia, Francesca Spagnol Gravino, Reuben Zammit (MCAST) and Tiziana Bugeja, Leann Gauci Abela, Elton Grech, George Mangion, Karin Rotin, Roberta Scerri, Dr. Colette Sciberras, Martin Vella, Maria Lourdes Attard, Sonia Camilleri, Aaron Grech, Charles Grima, Angele Pulis, Maria Lourdes Attard (GCHSS).

Academics who wish to add their name are to send an email with their name and institution to